Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tasting -"Beltrame Friulano 2009"

Name: Beltrame Friulano
Variety: 100% Tocai Friulano Straw
Region: Friuli
Country: Italy
Year: 2009
Price: Regular price $15; Sale $9.95

Review: "100% Tocai Friulano Straw-coloured yellow with a pale green tint express an intense, delicately aromatic and floral bouquet. The flavour is dry, soft, slightly fruity, with slightly bitter nuance in its almond aftertaste, and suggestion of peach."

My review: I was surprised because this wine didn't have much nose when I smelled it. I tasted a lot of a lemongrass taste with this wine. Despite the lack of nose, this wine had a really lingering taste. I would like to try this wine with food and see how it changes. 

I tasted this wine on its own without food.

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